By Karon Thackston © 2008, All Rights Reserved
For our fictitious mouthwash (we’ll call it Fresh Breath), a campaign might start with television ads that show smiling people going through their morning routines including swishing Fresh Breath after brushing. A slogan or tag line could be used to help people associate a core message with the product. The voiceover might also say something like, “Look for money-saving coupons in this Sunday’s newspaper.” Great! We’ve got their attention and offered something (coupon) that can pique interest.
Next, we move on to print. The newspaper coupon insert will feature a full-color layout with the same smiling face, the tag line and $1.00 off the customer’s next purchase. But, what about people who don’t get the newspaper? We’ll cover them in magazine ads that feature a duplicate message. You might also consider sending out samples and coupons via direct mail, too.
Do you see what’s happening? Consistency is foremost in the campaign. Everywhere the customer looks, s/he sees the same core message about Fresh Breath and relates her or his opinions with this message. The same should be true with your PPC campaigns.
PPC Copywriting Starts the Process
All a PPC ad consists of is copy. VERY short copy. That means using successful methods to develop your PPC copywriting is a vital first step. Blow this part and the rest won’t even get a snowball’s chance to prosper because the visitor will never make it past Yahoo! or Google’s search results page.
Think about your core message. Develop headlines that attract visitors and pique curiosity, so they’ll want to click for more information. Don’t try to close the sale with your PPC ads. That’s not their purpose. The sole purpose of PPC ads is to drive visitors to your site where they can collect enough information to take action, whether that means buying, subscribing, joining or whatnot.
When you write PPC ads, include the keyphrase in the headline, if possible. If not, then you’ll want to incorporate the keyphrase into the body copy. Remember the tag line or slogan used in offline marketing? The keyphrase you choose for this ad will act as your tag line and will follow your copywriting efforts throughout the entire conversion process.
Consistency During Every Step
When developing your landing page (the page visitors will land on after they click the link in your PPC ad), use a headline that matches or is extremely similar to the copy in your PPC ad. Experiments have proven time and time again that the closer in content the two headlines are, the longer visitors will stay on your landing page.
But, don’t stop there. If your sales channel is a multi-step process, then you’ll want to continue use of the keyphrase all the way to the end. Let’s look at an example using a Magnavox HDTV.
The PPC copywriting might include the keyphrase “Magnavox HDTV.” The headline could read:
Save $$ on Magnavox HDTV
The two lines of copy might read:
All 26”-42″ HDTV models now on sale-
30% off. Free shipping over $200.
Anyone who types the keyphrase “Magnavox HDTV” into a search field will quickly be drawn to this ad because it includes the very item they were looking for… Magnavox HDTVs. In addition, the copy piques interest. All 26″-42″ models are on sale for 30% off. And, I get free shipping. Great! I’d be clicking over in a heartbeat to see what was available.
But, what happens if I, the customer, land on your home page where I find dozens of DVD players and iPods and stereos? Huh? Where are the Magnavox HDTVs I was just reading about? I’d be lost. I’d likely click back to the search-results page and select another ad.
When I land on a page after clicking a PPC ad that specifically mentioned the very item I wanted, I expect to see a selection of Magnavox 26″-42″ HDTVs. What’s more, I’ll need to actually read the phrase “Magnavox HDTV” to ensure me that I’m in the right place. Consistency.
And, when I click the 36″ model I think I want? What then? I’ll expect to see “Magnavox 36″ HDTV” on the product description page, so I can continue to know I’m in the right place. Consistency.
When I add the item to my cart? Right… same keyphrase. And, when I check out? Yep! And, when you email me my order confirmation? You got it! Consistency, consistency, consistency.
Don’t stop with your PPC copywriting. It’s simply not enough. That’s a tragic mistake most online marketers make. You have to convey a uniform message all the way from beginning to end to get the highest conversion rates possible from your PPC campaign. When you do, your sales will flow in with more… consistency!
Discover the proven methods for writing powerful PPC ads with Karon’s latest ebook How To Write Successful PPC Ads. This quick-read has easy, tested ways to create PPC ads fast that get higher click-through rates. Learn PPC copywriting today at
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