Note From Karon: I saw this blog post and quiz on Sally Hogshead’s Fascination blog where she teaches you how to apply your natural strengths of persuasion. I’m a huge fan (and affiliate) of Sally’s so I asked for permission to reprint this article here for you.
This will be especially interesting to those who are in service-oriented businesses, speakers, coaches, salespeople, authors and everyone else who needs to make an impression in their business.
Score Your Level Of Influence
Your level of influence as a professional will be measured by your ability to get others to listen and take action.
Your level of influence can be measured. And, it can be improved.
If you’re fascinating, you’re influencing.
If you’re not fascinating, well, you’re more likely to be forgotten. This is especially true in distracted environments.
In a distracted environment, the most fascinating option always wins. Always.
Are you building an influential personal brand? How effectively are you applying your natural personality Advantages?
Let’s find out.
The Influence Quiz
The following 5 questions will measure your level of influence, and how strongly your personal brand is shaping opinions, actions, and results.
Rate yourself on a scale of 1 – 4, with 1 being “not me” and 4 being “totally me.”
1. Do people make a real effort to connect with you?
Do others go out of their way to connect with you?
Score ____
2. Are people talking about your ideas and opinions?
Are people interested in what you’re thinking and doing?
Score ____
3. When you give direction, do people consistently take action?
Do your words consistently prompt clear action?
Score ____
4. Do you know how to affect the decisions of others?
Can you shape how people think and act?
Score ____
5. Do people imitate your behavior, ideas, or technique?
Imitation isn’t just flattery– it’s a signal that you’re setting a standard of some sort. Are you doing anything worth copying?
Score ____
Tally your score.
If your score is 20 – 17: Great. Your personal brand is getting results. Keep reviewing your key traits to be consistently captivating.
If your score is 16 – 13: In certain situations, you’re making a difference. In other situations, you’re unnoticed, or even forgotten.
If you score 13 or below: Your personal brand is not as influential as you could be. People aren’t focusing on you and your message. And to make matters worse, they aren’t taking action. You can change this. You can build a more persuasive personal brand.
Once you know what makes you naturally persuasive to others, you can focus on these traits, and apply them to stand out and be remembered. Your level of influence will be measured by your ability to get others to listen and take action.
In a distracted environment, the most fascinating option always wins. Always.
It’s Karon again…
But how would you know? How could you determine what your level of fascination is, what areas you excel in and which you need the most help? Sally has a 28-question assessment that walks you through all of this.
The Fascination Advantage is the first assessment to measure your personality’s most valuable and attractive qualities. Created by Sally Hogshead, and based on results of 500,000 participants, this test will reveal the very best of how the world sees you.
Your report will be generated for you with brilliant insights about you and just how much you influence others.
Once you’ve gotten your results, come back here and share with me. I’d love to hear what your primary influence factors are and how they help you in your business.