Have you noticed it lately? The surge of sunscreen commercials on TV, that is. Sure, you’d expect that this time of year, but instead of the usual “keeps you from burning and makes your skin soft” pitch, now we’re hearing something new. “Protects across 100% of the UVA/UVB spectrum.” Great! Now that’s something I can really use. Or at least I think it’s something I can use. What does it mean again?
That’s the point. Nobody knows what it means. If you’ve been keeping up with your medical- or science-related news over the last year or so, you may remember talk of how UVA damages collagen, DNA and the skin’s outer layers without causing a red, painful sunburn. However UVA greatly increases the risk of skin cancers. UVB is the culprit behind the lobster look many get during summer. It, too, can be harmful to the skin in large doses, but it works more slowly and causes less damage. We’ve always had protection against UVB rays in our sunscreen, but now the addition of UVA protection means a helping hand with preventing some types of skin cancer.
Did you know that? Most people don’t.
I can promise you that if most Americans understood what’s at risk with getting prolonged sun exposure without using sunscreen, they’d be flocking to the stores to get the new UVA/UVB lotions. Instead, many are shaking their heads because they don’t understand. They’re thinking the “old” stuff in their beach bags from last year will work just fine.
It’s hard to get people to buy what you’re offering if they don’t understand why they need it. Take a look at your copy this week. Does it clearly communicate to your customers why they need what you have? If not, it may be time for some adjustments.
Karon is author of the highly acclaimed Step-by-Step Copywriting Course and other SEO copywriting ebooks. Want Karon to write online copy for you? Visit https://www.marketingwords.com. Subscribe to Karon’s copywriting blog at https://blog.marketingwords.com