The year was around 2008. I had just begun creating my own training products to sell via my website, and was trying to master all the different steps involved. And man, were there a lot of steps!
As a newbie, I quickly came to dread creating new products, simply because of managing and developing all the pieces to the puzzle over and over again. But then I discovered something that lit a 2,000-watt bulb over my head.
Experienced online business people had a secret. They used an advanced marketing strategy of repeatable marketing systems that saved them tons of time. It also increased the likelihood of success because it was based on tested elements.
None of my marketing heroes were creating every new campaign or product funnel from scratch. They were repurposing the content from previous launches or affiliate emails, and customizing it with the new material.
I almost felt cheated when I discovered this. I was working my little rear end off when I didn’t have to? Then, just as soon as the feeling of betrayal came, it was replaced with a wave of utter relief.
How Advanced Marketing Pros Save Time With Marketing Checklists
Ready to step up your business? One of the most important foundations of advanced marketing is repeatable marketing systems, and that means lots of checklists.
In my early days, I will admit to being less than organized. Every time I had to create a new product or wanted to email my list about an affiliate offer, I would spend at least an hour (usually two) finding what I needed.
- What size does my image need to be?
- Where did I put my affiliate link?
- Where do keywords need to go to optimize my blog post?
- How did I create that other web page that converted so well?
- Did the mailings do better on Tuesday morning or Sunday night?
- Did I check to make sure the coupon code was activated?
All these (and two dozen more) questions would stop me in my tracks. At one point I got smart, and began creating my own checklists for repeatable processes in my marketing.
Ready to create a sales page? I’d whip out my checklist and away I’d go!
Need to craft conversion-worthy follow-up emails? Same deal… pull out a marketing checklist for that.
I’d done it! I’d moved up to the level of advanced marketing!
Well… almost.
Repeatable Marketing Systems Also Extends To Copywriting & Content
Yes, the processes were the same. The actual steps I needed to take each time I created a product or funnel could easily be duplicated. But what about the copy/content?
It wouldn’t work too well if every product I sold had the exact same copy. Not to mention, the ebooks and courses were on different topics, so the copy had to change. However, what went where on a sales page pretty much remained the same.
For instance, to get started, I would need to know:
- Who My Target Customers Are — Yep, most people can spout off a quick sentence or two that usually starts with “Everybody who _________.” That definition doesn’t go nearly deep enough and is almost always way too broad. Try starting with the phrase “Only those people who ___________.” Think of your target audience (avatar/persona) as an exclusive club, and only those who qualify can be included.
- How To Beef Up Interest By Including Personal Language — I know, I know. We have all heard the advice that we should write like we talk. But when it comes to writing copy, I somewhat disagree. I think we should write the way our customers talk! Including the exact questions they ask, specific phrases they repeat, and/or precise comments they have made about our products / service (or similar ones) helps to make a strong emotional connection. It’s like we are reading their minds!
- Ways To Overcome Resistance — Every product or service on the face of the earth has to overcome resistance. Not all people love every product or service ever created. That means there will be people who hesitate when considering whether they should grace you with their hard-earned money. Knowing what the common resistance factors are for your products / services and how to overcome those is vital to successful copywriting.
- How To Close The Sale — There are dozens (possibly hundreds) of types of calls-to-action (CTA). Testing various ones is something smart marketers do regularly. Then, make a checklist of the ones that perform best for the different types of copy you write (landing pages, web pages, opt-in pages, etc.). These might include:
- Solving a problem or pain point mentioned in the beginning of the copy
- Giving the reader something to look forward to when s/he purchases
- Recapping what the site visitor will get when s/he purchases
- Offering a guarantee
- Explaining the next steps
If you’ve used a “next steps” CTA several times and it doesn’t convert well, that may be an approach your audience isn’t especially fond of. Choose a different one and test it. When you find one (or three!) that do well, make a note on your checklist, and use those.
By using marketing checklists for this copywriting practice, I got significantly faster at writing sales copy.
These same approaches apply to blog posts and other types of content.
I can almost hear you saying, “I know to do these things.” Right. I know to do them, too. But I wasn’t doing them consistently. And “consistently” is a magic word, especially for up-and-coming or current advanced marketers like you.
As you go forward this week, I’d love for you to ask yourself these two questions often:
- How can I turn this success into a repeatable marketing system / process?
- Can I use a checklist or cheat sheet to speed any future product / copy creation?
Once you adopt this new way of thinking, you’ll find that creating copy, content, products, affiliate campaigns, or practically anything else goes much faster, more easily, and more profitably!
Have questions about this advanced marketing strategy? Talk to me below!
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