With the ever-growing popularity of digital printable products, it’s becoming harder to find quality ideas. Getting stuck in a rut is commonplace. That’s usually because you’re looking at what has already been created.
If you change your thinking and open your mind up to new concepts, you’ll start to see ideas for printables to sell all around you.
1. Turn Blog Posts Into Digital Printable Products
You can design a useful printable to sell on Etsy or your site in just 5 steps using blog posts you’ve already written.
It only takes a little time to repurpose that content from a full-length blog post on your unique topic into a short checklist, cheat sheet, or more.
2. Get Printable Ideas To Sell From TV Shows
What TV shows do you watch? What have the plots been from your favorite episodes? Has one of your favorite comedies dealt with getting teenagers to get their homework done? Create a tracker parents can use to help their teens manage their time and stay on track.
Did that crime drama you saw last week have an underlying story line where a character was having a hard time staying positive? Develop a journal that allows your customers to focus on good and weed out the negative.
What about that reality show where people were forced to live with others over time? What lessons could be gleaned from their ups and downs that you could turn into a workbook?
***WARNING*** Never directly quote TV shows, movies, or other protected creative works. There are do’s and don’ts regarding copyright law that you should be careful to follow.
I am NOT a copyright attorney and this article should not be taken as legal advice, but the way I understand it, you can use short quotes (just a few words) and use quotes in parody legally.
3. Make Digital Printable Products From Personal Experience
As birthdays and holidays approach, I’m constantly scrambling to figure out what to buy everybody. I have one or two people who are particularly difficult.
What I started doing throughout the year was taking notes (on paper or in my phone) every time I heard them mention that they really liked [fill in the blank], needed X, Y, or Z, and so on.
Then, as anniversaries, birthdays, Christmas, or other occasions approached, I had a list of several ideas. It took the stress out of finding just the right thing for them.
4. Repurpose Courses You Sell
Do you have ebooks, video-based courses, or audio lessons that you currently sell? It’s a quick task to repurpose those into workbooks. These low-content books can be digital or physical (delivered through print-on-demand).
Simply pull out the steps and offer space for users to take notes or input their progress. You’ll have short workbooks that you can sell on Etsy or your own site in no time. Include an upsell to your full training course along with a discount coupon at the end of the workbook, and you’ve got a quick funnel that can drive new subscribers to your list while beefing up your bank account.
Already have workbooks and/or worksheets that come with your courses? It’s super easy to extract those and sell them as standalone products. Then, on your course sales page, you can add the workbook as a free bonus.
5. Combine Several Other Printables Into One
Some of the most popular digital printables include things like:
- Credit Score Tracker
- Expense Tracker
- Financial Planner
- Debt Payment Plan
These all work together. You usually track your credit score if you want to improve it. To improve it you have to live within your means, keeping expenses at a certain percentage of your income.
You will want to plan your finances/budget and pay off your debt in a timely manner. Just tracking your credit score won’t help you accomplish your overall goal.
What if you created one printable that included all of these in a bundle in the order people need to do them? That would be very helpful and would give folks a better idea of what it takes to get their finances in shape.
The same can be done with almost any goal, including:
- Improving school grades
- Prepping for the SAT or other standardized tests
- Losing weight
- Changing your diet for health reasons to Keto, Plant-Based, Vegan, etc.
- Lowering your blood pressure
- Getting your home organized
- Learning a new skill
- Quitting smoking
- Having more free time
- Traveling more
- And so on
Look for individual printables on Etsy or other sites that include the steps (such as a homework tracker, a test study log, a project calendar, etc.), then bundle unique versions you create into a single product that accomplishes the entire goal.
If you constantly ask yourself, “How can I turn that into a printable?” you’ll see that ideas begin to flow easily. Keep your phone or a notepad handy so you can jot down all the exceptional products you come up with!
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