I’ve known Jill Whalen of HighRankings.com since 2003. What started as a business relationship quickly grew into a friendship that I still enjoy today. While it wasn’t exactly what I expected, I wasn’t completely shocked when she made the announcement just last week that she was leaving SEO.
Jill – unquestionably one of the pioneers of SEO and creator of the term “SEO copywriting” – has been undergoing some progressive changes over the last two years. All of her shenanigans have caused those close to her to ask the question “Who are you and what have you done with Jill?”
Now, as she leaves the business she has devoted the past 18 years to, Jill and I got together virtually for a Hangout. Come watch as the two of us take a walk down Memory Lane, share some sage advice and let you in on what Jill has planned next.
NOTE: We mentioned the wrong link when we were chatting. If you want to find Jill’s new blog, the correct URL is
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Now that was fun! I love the stroll down Memory Lane. I had been a long time subscriber to Jill’s newsletter and it was fun to revisit the way things were once done. Good luck, Jill. Thanks for everything you have done for SEO.
Thanks Barb. It was a fun interview to do.
Thanks Barb!
And thanks Karon for the fun interview. We’ve had some great times through the years. I’m sure we’ll continue to have many more.
I love the idea of doing those free website audits that you and Jill mentioned – especially if you’re still in the early stages of building up a client base.
It’s not just that you might pick up a few clients, but it also gives you a great excuse for some PR.
I can imagine putting a out press release saying something like “Free website reviews give local businesses online boost”.
They can be used for a lot of different purposes. I, personally, wouldn’t send out a press release about it, but you could (with permission) turn it into some great blog content or expand it into a Kindle book or whatnot.
Hi Karon,
Thanks so much. This had a lot of great tips and answered a lot of questions. One quick question, Jill mentioned that getting Google Authorship was important for SEO. I am going to help a local company with their SEO/blogging, and am considering setting the owner up with Google authorship. Even though I’m writing the blogs, do I write in his name or maybe in his page’s name (if that’s even possible) so they get the Google authorship credit and boost and not me? Is this okay to do?
The authorship will only do your client good if it is set up for their Google+ profile. By using yours, you would get the authorship credit. “do I write in his name or maybe in his page’s name (if that’s even possible) so they get the Google authorship credit and boost and not me? Is this okay to do?” Yes. It’s called ghostwriting 🙂