Of all the types of printables for sale today, there is one category that outshined the rest. Seasonal printables are an outstanding group of products to include in your shop or on your site for several reasons.
1. They are consistent sellers. Seasonal printables sell every year with little or no additional work from you. After you create your Christmas printable, summer printable, etc., that product will be set up and ready for sale every year as the next season/holiday rolls around.
Depending on what type of principle you create, you may need to change dates, colors or images, but most seasonal products will sell annually without any updates.
2. They have a natural level of anticipation. As the season approaches, people begin to look forward to that season’s printables.
Are you one of these people who craves pumpkin spice in July, but you know you can’t find those products in stores until fall? What does that do to you? If you’re like most, this causes any enormous sense of anticipation as you wait for the right time to buy the annual products you love.
The same is true for Easter, winter or other seasonal printable products. People look forward to purchasing these all year, but they typically make their move when talk about the upcoming season or holiday kicks off. And when it does, your annual printables are ready to scoop up every sale from the earliest days that they roll in.
3. They have a built-in sense of urgency. Because seasons are temporary events, customers know they need to buy quickly before the season or holiday is gone.
The same is true for the time span customers can buy. When the season is over, they know that it will be difficult or impossible to find printables related to that occasion or time frame. So, they typically snap up all they can, while they can. Which means more sales for you!
What Types of Printables Count as Seasonal Products?
Anything you want! This is another thing that makes seasonal printables extremely profitable. Sure, you can have Christmas decoration printables, spring-themed puzzles or even Mother’s Day printable cards, but that’s not all.
It’s easy to turn almost any printable into a seasonal printable just by changing the background, border, or other graphics.
For example, you can create five printable maze pages or books. Then use the exact same mazes and sell them separately for New Years, Valentine’s Day, St. Patrick's Day, Memorial Day, July 4th, Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas.
Or, do it faster and easier by simply adding a seasonal-related border or images to match the time of year. It’s that quick!
Of course, you can also create separate printable mazes or books with seasonal themes so that the entire product is Thanksgiving-related (or whatever occasion/holiday you have in mind).
Don’t limit your thinking to our major holidays of Christmas, Halloween, Thanksgiving, etc. There are so many others that have annual “seasons” like back-to-school that could bring you lots of sales.
Julie Berninger at Gold City Ventures has a free guide with ideas for printables you can make throughout the year and an awesome free workshop "Manifest Passive Income by Selling Printables."
Change Your Existing Printables into Seasonal Printables
And what about all the printables you are currently selling? To-do lists? Trackers? Prayer lists? Note cards?
There are hundreds of types of printables that can be as easily adapted to a holiday or season just as the mazes we mentioned above.
Altering the colors, borders, graphics, even just the title can turn an ordinary printable into a seasonal or holiday printable. You could even consider making a pack of printables that have the generic design as well as several seasons or holidays.
None of these adjustments would take much time, but they can result in many more sales.
The Timing of Seasonal Printables
Because every month of the year has opportunities for seasonal printables, now is the best time to get started. My recommendation is to look about three months out on your calendar and start creating printables that have to do with those occasions/holidays/seasons.
This will give you plenty of time to brainstorm your products, create them, list them for sale, and give them time to build some traction as people start to gradually search for what you’ve listed. Then you’ll be ready for pre-holiday sales instead of scrambling to get a product listed in the middle of the seasonal rush.
Taking advantage of all the seasons/holidays/occasions throughout the year can give you a significant bump and automated income. And why not? It only takes a little bit of time to set it up and let it run.
Have questions about creating holiday/seasonal printables? Talk to me below!
Recommended Learning & Tools
- Ideas for Seasonal Printables
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