Looks like Amazon has been tinkering with its page layout. In a few, select categories, the page design is drastically different. See what’s changed and where.
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Perhaps AZ is testing or rolling this new format change out only in certain regions. I just checked those beauty products and they are all still in the old format.
Maybe so, Carol. I don’t know about that.
Hi Karon,
I have noticed theses changes rolling out in many different categories. Personally I have seen the changes in a couple of my listings then they switch back to the old settings.
Like a beta test. then back to the old style.
I am sure they will all of a sudden just leave the new style up.
Personally I am not too thrilled the way products with different options for Parent/child relationships show in the new listing format.
Thank you,
Yes, Amazon loves to tinker around and test. Maybe the new changes will stick, maybe not 😉
I noticed this new format the last 2 weekends when using my laptop with Windows 8.1.
When I use my desktop with windows 7, I don’t see the new format.
In any case, have a good title and good first 3 or so bullet points is going to be important!
Great article as always and I enjoy reading your tips!
Funny. I’m on Windows 7 and I see them. Thanks Mark!
I am merely trying to help and see if there is any pattern going on. I did notice it, but couldn’t get any of the listing you showed in your video to show up in the new format on my windows 7 machine. So maybe they are turning on and off and hopefully tracking conversion rates.
I welcome the discussion and hope to hear what other people are seeing and if it is geographical or time or system sensitive.
Karon, thank you very much for the update. It will be interesting to see where they go with this change.
P.S. There is a problem with the sound-it sounds like you are talking into a barrel
I know. New headset apparently doesn’t play well with Camtasia!
I saw several variations of the new product page in the first few days when the change was introduced. Amazon was surely testing variations out to see which worked best. The final product page must be the variation that was most effective overall.