I was young so I didn't really know any better. It was my first full-service advertising agency gig and I was trying to
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Should You Change Your Copy When Rankings Fall?
I've been on a seesaw for the last year. I have a client who, for almost 12 months, has been asking me to rewrite their
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Blah, Blah, Blah… Buy Now
I guess it's some sort of experiment. I pulled an envelope from my mailbox the other day that obviously looked like a
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UVA, UVB… What’s the Difference?
Have you noticed it lately? The surge of sunscreen commercials on TV, that is. Sure, you'd expect that this time of
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I’m Outta Here!
That's it! The week is over and it's time for vacation. Whoo hoo! ;) You won't see any blog entries this coming
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An Interesting Question
On Tuesday, I received an interesting question from a lady who attended a search engine marketing seminar I spoke at
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Article Distribution Course is Now Available
A couple of months ago I told you about the Article Distribution course I was working on in conjunction with Search
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The Format of Your Keyphrases is Key
When it comes to choosing keyphrases sometimes options are limited. If the pickings are slim, you take what you can get
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How to Use Unusable Keyphrases
If you've had anything to do with SEO copywriting for very long, I'm sure you've come across some pretty quirky
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